_ _ _ _
___| (_) ___| | __ (_)___
/ __| | |/ __| |/ / | / __|
\__ \ | | (__| < _ | \__ \
|___/_|_|\___|_|\_(_)/ |___/
Version: 1.8.1
Author: Ken Wheeler
Website: http://kenwheeler.github.io
Docs: http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick
Repo: http://github.com/kenwheeler/slick
Issues: http://github.com/kenwheeler/slick/issues
/* global window, document, define, jQuery, setInterval, clearInterval */
;(function(factory) {
'use strict';
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
} else {
}(function($) {
'use strict';
var Slick = window.Slick || {};
Slick = (function() {
var instanceUid = 0;
function Slick(element, settings) {
var _ = this, dataSettings;
_.defaults = {
accessibility: true,
adaptiveHeight: false,
appendArrows: $(element),
appendDots: $(element),
arrows: true,
asNavFor: null,
prevArrow: 'Previous ',
nextArrow: 'Next ',
autoplay: false,
autoplaySpeed: 3000,
centerMode: false,
centerPadding: '50px',
cssEase: 'ease',
customPaging: function(slider, i) {
return $(' ').text(i + 1);
dots: false,
dotsClass: 'slick-dots',
draggable: true,
easing: 'linear',
edgeFriction: 0.35,
fade: false,
focusOnSelect: false,
focusOnChange: false,
infinite: true,
initialSlide: 0,
lazyLoad: 'ondemand',
mobileFirst: false,
pauseOnHover: true,
pauseOnFocus: true,
pauseOnDotsHover: false,
respondTo: 'window',
responsive: null,
rows: 1,
rtl: false,
slide: '',
slidesPerRow: 1,
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1,
speed: 500,
swipe: true,
swipeToSlide: false,
touchMove: true,
touchThreshold: 5,
useCSS: true,
useTransform: true,
variableWidth: false,
vertical: false,
verticalSwiping: false,
waitForAnimate: true,
zIndex: 1000
_.initials = {
animating: false,
dragging: false,
autoPlayTimer: null,
currentDirection: 0,
currentLeft: null,
currentSlide: 0,
direction: 1,
$dots: null,
listWidth: null,
listHeight: null,
loadIndex: 0,
$nextArrow: null,
$prevArrow: null,
scrolling: false,
slideCount: null,
slideWidth: null,
$slideTrack: null,
$slides: null,
sliding: false,
slideOffset: 0,
swipeLeft: null,
swiping: false,
$list: null,
touchObject: {},
transformsEnabled: false,
unslicked: false
$.extend(_, _.initials);
_.activeBreakpoint = null;
_.animType = null;
_.animProp = null;
_.breakpoints = [];
_.breakpointSettings = [];
_.cssTransitions = false;
_.focussed = false;
_.interrupted = false;
_.hidden = 'hidden';
_.paused = true;
_.positionProp = null;
_.respondTo = null;
_.rowCount = 1;
_.shouldClick = true;
_.$slider = $(element);
_.$slidesCache = null;
_.transformType = null;
_.transitionType = null;
_.visibilityChange = 'visibilitychange';
_.windowWidth = 0;
_.windowTimer = null;
dataSettings = $(element).data('slick') || {};
_.options = $.extend({}, _.defaults, settings, dataSettings);
_.currentSlide = _.options.initialSlide;
_.originalSettings = _.options;
if (typeof document.mozHidden !== 'undefined') {
_.hidden = 'mozHidden';
_.visibilityChange = 'mozvisibilitychange';
} else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== 'undefined') {
_.hidden = 'webkitHidden';
_.visibilityChange = 'webkitvisibilitychange';
_.autoPlay = $.proxy(_.autoPlay, _);
_.autoPlayClear = $.proxy(_.autoPlayClear, _);
_.autoPlayIterator = $.proxy(_.autoPlayIterator, _);
_.changeSlide = $.proxy(_.changeSlide, _);
_.clickHandler = $.proxy(_.clickHandler, _);
_.selectHandler = $.proxy(_.selectHandler, _);
_.setPosition = $.proxy(_.setPosition, _);
_.swipeHandler = $.proxy(_.swipeHandler, _);
_.dragHandler = $.proxy(_.dragHandler, _);
_.keyHandler = $.proxy(_.keyHandler, _);
_.instanceUid = instanceUid++;
// A simple way to check for HTML strings
// Strict HTML recognition (must start with <)
// Extracted from jQuery v1.11 source
_.htmlExpr = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*)$/;
return Slick;
Slick.prototype.activateADA = function() {
var _ = this;
'aria-hidden': 'false'
}).find('a, input, button, select').attr({
'tabindex': '0'
Slick.prototype.addSlide = Slick.prototype.slickAdd = function(markup, index, addBefore) {
var _ = this;
if (typeof(index) === 'boolean') {
addBefore = index;
index = null;
} else if (index < 0 || (index >= _.slideCount)) {
return false;
if (typeof(index) === 'number') {
if (index === 0 && _.$slides.length === 0) {
} else if (addBefore) {
} else {
} else {
if (addBefore === true) {
} else {
_.$slides = _.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide);
_.$slides.each(function(index, element) {
$(element).attr('data-slick-index', index);
_.$slidesCache = _.$slides;
Slick.prototype.animateHeight = function() {
var _ = this;
if (_.options.slidesToShow === 1 && _.options.adaptiveHeight === true && _.options.vertical === false) {
var targetHeight = _.$slides.eq(_.currentSlide).outerHeight(true);
height: targetHeight
}, _.options.speed);
Slick.prototype.animateSlide = function(targetLeft, callback) {
var animProps = {},
_ = this;
if (_.options.rtl === true && _.options.vertical === false) {
targetLeft = -targetLeft;
if (_.transformsEnabled === false) {
if (_.options.vertical === false) {
left: targetLeft
}, _.options.speed, _.options.easing, callback);
} else {
top: targetLeft
}, _.options.speed, _.options.easing, callback);
} else {
if (_.cssTransitions === false) {
if (_.options.rtl === true) {
_.currentLeft = -(_.currentLeft);
animStart: _.currentLeft
animStart: targetLeft
}, {
duration: _.options.speed,
easing: _.options.easing,
step: function(now) {
now = Math.ceil(now);
if (_.options.vertical === false) {
animProps[_.animType] = 'translate(' +
now + 'px, 0px)';
} else {
animProps[_.animType] = 'translate(0px,' +
now + 'px)';
complete: function() {
if (callback) {
} else {
targetLeft = Math.ceil(targetLeft);
if (_.options.vertical === false) {
animProps[_.animType] = 'translate3d(' + targetLeft + 'px, 0px, 0px)';
} else {
animProps[_.animType] = 'translate3d(0px,' + targetLeft + 'px, 0px)';
if (callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, _.options.speed);
Slick.prototype.getNavTarget = function() {
var _ = this,
asNavFor = _.options.asNavFor;
if ( asNavFor && asNavFor !== null ) {
asNavFor = $(asNavFor).not(_.$slider);
return asNavFor;
Slick.prototype.asNavFor = function(index) {
var _ = this,
asNavFor = _.getNavTarget();
if ( asNavFor !== null && typeof asNavFor === 'object' ) {
asNavFor.each(function() {
var target = $(this).slick('getSlick');
if(!target.unslicked) {
target.slideHandler(index, true);
Slick.prototype.applyTransition = function(slide) {
var _ = this,
transition = {};
if (_.options.fade === false) {
transition[_.transitionType] = _.transformType + ' ' + _.options.speed + 'ms ' + _.options.cssEase;
} else {
transition[_.transitionType] = 'opacity ' + _.options.speed + 'ms ' + _.options.cssEase;
if (_.options.fade === false) {
} else {
Slick.prototype.autoPlay = function() {
var _ = this;
if ( _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow ) {
_.autoPlayTimer = setInterval( _.autoPlayIterator, _.options.autoplaySpeed );
Slick.prototype.autoPlayClear = function() {
var _ = this;
if (_.autoPlayTimer) {
Slick.prototype.autoPlayIterator = function() {
var _ = this,
slideTo = _.currentSlide + _.options.slidesToScroll;
if ( !_.paused && !_.interrupted && !_.focussed ) {
if ( _.options.infinite === false ) {
if ( _.direction === 1 && ( _.currentSlide + 1 ) === ( _.slideCount - 1 )) {
_.direction = 0;
else if ( _.direction === 0 ) {
slideTo = _.currentSlide - _.options.slidesToScroll;
if ( _.currentSlide - 1 === 0 ) {
_.direction = 1;
_.slideHandler( slideTo );
Slick.prototype.buildArrows = function() {
var _ = this;
if (_.options.arrows === true ) {
_.$prevArrow = $(_.options.prevArrow).addClass('slick-arrow');
_.$nextArrow = $(_.options.nextArrow).addClass('slick-arrow');
if( _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow ) {
_.$prevArrow.removeClass('slick-hidden').removeAttr('aria-hidden tabindex');
_.$nextArrow.removeClass('slick-hidden').removeAttr('aria-hidden tabindex');
if (_.htmlExpr.test(_.options.prevArrow)) {
if (_.htmlExpr.test(_.options.nextArrow)) {
if (_.options.infinite !== true) {
.attr('aria-disabled', 'true');
} else {
_.$prevArrow.add( _.$nextArrow )
'aria-disabled': 'true',
'tabindex': '-1'
Slick.prototype.buildDots = function() {
var _ = this,
i, dot;
if (_.options.dots === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
dot = $('
for (i = 0; i <= _.getDotCount(); i += 1) {
dot.append($(' ').append(_.options.customPaging.call(this, _, i)));
_.$dots = dot.appendTo(_.options.appendDots);
Slick.prototype.buildOut = function() {
var _ = this;
_.$slides =
.children( _.options.slide + ':not(.slick-cloned)')
_.slideCount = _.$slides.length;
_.$slides.each(function(index, element) {
.attr('data-slick-index', index)
.data('originalStyling', $(element).attr('style') || '');
_.$slideTrack = (_.slideCount === 0) ?
').appendTo(_.$slider) :
_.$list = _.$slideTrack.wrap(
_.$slideTrack.css('opacity', 0);
if (_.options.centerMode === true || _.options.swipeToSlide === true) {
_.options.slidesToScroll = 1;
$('img[data-lazy]', _.$slider).not('[src]').addClass('slick-loading');
_.setSlideClasses(typeof _.currentSlide === 'number' ? _.currentSlide : 0);
if (_.options.draggable === true) {
Slick.prototype.buildRows = function() {
var _ = this, a, b, c, newSlides, numOfSlides, originalSlides,slidesPerSection;
newSlides = document.createDocumentFragment();
originalSlides = _.$slider.children();
if(_.options.rows > 0) {
slidesPerSection = _.options.slidesPerRow * _.options.rows;
numOfSlides = Math.ceil(
originalSlides.length / slidesPerSection
for(a = 0; a < numOfSlides; a++){
var slide = document.createElement('div');
for(b = 0; b < _.options.rows; b++) {
var row = document.createElement('div');
for(c = 0; c < _.options.slidesPerRow; c++) {
var target = (a * slidesPerSection + ((b * _.options.slidesPerRow) + c));
if (originalSlides.get(target)) {
'width':(100 / _.options.slidesPerRow) + '%',
'display': 'inline-block'
Slick.prototype.checkResponsive = function(initial, forceUpdate) {
var _ = this,
breakpoint, targetBreakpoint, respondToWidth, triggerBreakpoint = false;
var sliderWidth = _.$slider.width();
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth || $(window).width();
if (_.respondTo === 'window') {
respondToWidth = windowWidth;
} else if (_.respondTo === 'slider') {
respondToWidth = sliderWidth;
} else if (_.respondTo === 'min') {
respondToWidth = Math.min(windowWidth, sliderWidth);
if ( _.options.responsive &&
_.options.responsive.length &&
_.options.responsive !== null) {
targetBreakpoint = null;
for (breakpoint in _.breakpoints) {
if (_.breakpoints.hasOwnProperty(breakpoint)) {
if (_.originalSettings.mobileFirst === false) {
if (respondToWidth < _.breakpoints[breakpoint]) {
targetBreakpoint = _.breakpoints[breakpoint];
} else {
if (respondToWidth > _.breakpoints[breakpoint]) {
targetBreakpoint = _.breakpoints[breakpoint];
if (targetBreakpoint !== null) {
if (_.activeBreakpoint !== null) {
if (targetBreakpoint !== _.activeBreakpoint || forceUpdate) {
_.activeBreakpoint =
if (_.breakpointSettings[targetBreakpoint] === 'unslick') {
} else {
_.options = $.extend({}, _.originalSettings,
if (initial === true) {
_.currentSlide = _.options.initialSlide;
triggerBreakpoint = targetBreakpoint;
} else {
_.activeBreakpoint = targetBreakpoint;
if (_.breakpointSettings[targetBreakpoint] === 'unslick') {
} else {
_.options = $.extend({}, _.originalSettings,
if (initial === true) {
_.currentSlide = _.options.initialSlide;
triggerBreakpoint = targetBreakpoint;
} else {
if (_.activeBreakpoint !== null) {
_.activeBreakpoint = null;
_.options = _.originalSettings;
if (initial === true) {
_.currentSlide = _.options.initialSlide;
triggerBreakpoint = targetBreakpoint;
// only trigger breakpoints during an actual break. not on initialize.
if( !initial && triggerBreakpoint !== false ) {
_.$slider.trigger('breakpoint', [_, triggerBreakpoint]);
Slick.prototype.changeSlide = function(event, dontAnimate) {
var _ = this,
$target = $(event.currentTarget),
indexOffset, slideOffset, unevenOffset;
// If target is a link, prevent default action.
if($target.is('a')) {
// If target is not the element (ie: a child), find the .
if(!$target.is('li')) {
$target = $target.closest('li');
unevenOffset = (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll !== 0);
indexOffset = unevenOffset ? 0 : (_.slideCount - _.currentSlide) % _.options.slidesToScroll;
switch (event.data.message) {
case 'previous':
slideOffset = indexOffset === 0 ? _.options.slidesToScroll : _.options.slidesToShow - indexOffset;
if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
_.slideHandler(_.currentSlide - slideOffset, false, dontAnimate);
case 'next':
slideOffset = indexOffset === 0 ? _.options.slidesToScroll : indexOffset;
if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
_.slideHandler(_.currentSlide + slideOffset, false, dontAnimate);
case 'index':
var index = event.data.index === 0 ? 0 :
event.data.index || $target.index() * _.options.slidesToScroll;
_.slideHandler(_.checkNavigable(index), false, dontAnimate);
Slick.prototype.checkNavigable = function(index) {
var _ = this,
navigables, prevNavigable;
navigables = _.getNavigableIndexes();
prevNavigable = 0;
if (index > navigables[navigables.length - 1]) {
index = navigables[navigables.length - 1];
} else {
for (var n in navigables) {
if (index < navigables[n]) {
index = prevNavigable;
prevNavigable = navigables[n];
return index;
Slick.prototype.cleanUpEvents = function() {
var _ = this;
if (_.options.dots && _.$dots !== null) {
$('li', _.$dots)
.off('click.slick', _.changeSlide)
.off('mouseenter.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, true))
.off('mouseleave.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, false));
if (_.options.accessibility === true) {
_.$dots.off('keydown.slick', _.keyHandler);
_.$slider.off('focus.slick blur.slick');
if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
_.$prevArrow && _.$prevArrow.off('click.slick', _.changeSlide);
_.$nextArrow && _.$nextArrow.off('click.slick', _.changeSlide);
if (_.options.accessibility === true) {
_.$prevArrow && _.$prevArrow.off('keydown.slick', _.keyHandler);
_.$nextArrow && _.$nextArrow.off('keydown.slick', _.keyHandler);
_.$list.off('touchstart.slick mousedown.slick', _.swipeHandler);
_.$list.off('touchmove.slick mousemove.slick', _.swipeHandler);
_.$list.off('touchend.slick mouseup.slick', _.swipeHandler);
_.$list.off('touchcancel.slick mouseleave.slick', _.swipeHandler);
_.$list.off('click.slick', _.clickHandler);
$(document).off(_.visibilityChange, _.visibility);
if (_.options.accessibility === true) {
_.$list.off('keydown.slick', _.keyHandler);
if (_.options.focusOnSelect === true) {
$(_.$slideTrack).children().off('click.slick', _.selectHandler);
$(window).off('orientationchange.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, _.orientationChange);
$(window).off('resize.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, _.resize);
$('[draggable!=true]', _.$slideTrack).off('dragstart', _.preventDefault);
$(window).off('load.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, _.setPosition);
Slick.prototype.cleanUpSlideEvents = function() {
var _ = this;
_.$list.off('mouseenter.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, true));
_.$list.off('mouseleave.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, false));
Slick.prototype.cleanUpRows = function() {
var _ = this, originalSlides;
if(_.options.rows > 0) {
originalSlides = _.$slides.children().children();
Slick.prototype.clickHandler = function(event) {
var _ = this;
if (_.shouldClick === false) {
Slick.prototype.destroy = function(refresh) {
var _ = this;
_.touchObject = {};
$('.slick-cloned', _.$slider).detach();
if (_.$dots) {
if ( _.$prevArrow && _.$prevArrow.length ) {
.removeClass('slick-disabled slick-arrow slick-hidden')
.removeAttr('aria-hidden aria-disabled tabindex')
if ( _.htmlExpr.test( _.options.prevArrow )) {
if ( _.$nextArrow && _.$nextArrow.length ) {
.removeClass('slick-disabled slick-arrow slick-hidden')
.removeAttr('aria-hidden aria-disabled tabindex')
if ( _.htmlExpr.test( _.options.nextArrow )) {
if (_.$slides) {
.removeClass('slick-slide slick-active slick-center slick-visible slick-current')
$(this).attr('style', $(this).data('originalStyling'));
_.unslicked = true;
if(!refresh) {
_.$slider.trigger('destroy', [_]);
Slick.prototype.disableTransition = function(slide) {
var _ = this,
transition = {};
transition[_.transitionType] = '';
if (_.options.fade === false) {
} else {
Slick.prototype.fadeSlide = function(slideIndex, callback) {
var _ = this;
if (_.cssTransitions === false) {
zIndex: _.options.zIndex
opacity: 1
}, _.options.speed, _.options.easing, callback);
} else {
opacity: 1,
zIndex: _.options.zIndex
if (callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, _.options.speed);
Slick.prototype.fadeSlideOut = function(slideIndex) {
var _ = this;
if (_.cssTransitions === false) {
opacity: 0,
zIndex: _.options.zIndex - 2
}, _.options.speed, _.options.easing);
} else {
opacity: 0,
zIndex: _.options.zIndex - 2
Slick.prototype.filterSlides = Slick.prototype.slickFilter = function(filter) {
var _ = this;
if (filter !== null) {
_.$slidesCache = _.$slides;
Slick.prototype.focusHandler = function() {
var _ = this;
.off('focus.slick blur.slick')
.on('focus.slick blur.slick', '*', function(event) {
var $sf = $(this);
setTimeout(function() {
if( _.options.pauseOnFocus ) {
_.focussed = $sf.is(':focus');
}, 0);
Slick.prototype.getCurrent = Slick.prototype.slickCurrentSlide = function() {
var _ = this;
return _.currentSlide;
Slick.prototype.getDotCount = function() {
var _ = this;
var breakPoint = 0;
var counter = 0;
var pagerQty = 0;
if (_.options.infinite === true) {
if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
} else {
while (breakPoint < _.slideCount) {
breakPoint = counter + _.options.slidesToScroll;
counter += _.options.slidesToScroll <= _.options.slidesToShow ? _.options.slidesToScroll : _.options.slidesToShow;
} else if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
pagerQty = _.slideCount;
} else if(!_.options.asNavFor) {
pagerQty = 1 + Math.ceil((_.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow) / _.options.slidesToScroll);
}else {
while (breakPoint < _.slideCount) {
breakPoint = counter + _.options.slidesToScroll;
counter += _.options.slidesToScroll <= _.options.slidesToShow ? _.options.slidesToScroll : _.options.slidesToShow;
return pagerQty - 1;
Slick.prototype.getLeft = function(slideIndex) {
var _ = this,
verticalOffset = 0,
_.slideOffset = 0;
verticalHeight = _.$slides.first().outerHeight(true);
if (_.options.infinite === true) {
if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
_.slideOffset = (_.slideWidth * _.options.slidesToShow) * -1;
coef = -1
if (_.options.vertical === true && _.options.centerMode === true) {
if (_.options.slidesToShow === 2) {
coef = -1.5;
} else if (_.options.slidesToShow === 1) {
coef = -2
verticalOffset = (verticalHeight * _.options.slidesToShow) * coef;
if (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll !== 0) {
if (slideIndex + _.options.slidesToScroll > _.slideCount && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
if (slideIndex > _.slideCount) {
_.slideOffset = ((_.options.slidesToShow - (slideIndex - _.slideCount)) * _.slideWidth) * -1;
verticalOffset = ((_.options.slidesToShow - (slideIndex - _.slideCount)) * verticalHeight) * -1;
} else {
_.slideOffset = ((_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll) * _.slideWidth) * -1;
verticalOffset = ((_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll) * verticalHeight) * -1;
} else {
if (slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow > _.slideCount) {
_.slideOffset = ((slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow) - _.slideCount) * _.slideWidth;
verticalOffset = ((slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow) - _.slideCount) * verticalHeight;
if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
_.slideOffset = 0;
verticalOffset = 0;
if (_.options.centerMode === true && _.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
_.slideOffset = ((_.slideWidth * Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow)) / 2) - ((_.slideWidth * _.slideCount) / 2);
} else if (_.options.centerMode === true && _.options.infinite === true) {
_.slideOffset += _.slideWidth * Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2) - _.slideWidth;
} else if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
_.slideOffset = 0;
_.slideOffset += _.slideWidth * Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2);
if (_.options.vertical === false) {
targetLeft = ((slideIndex * _.slideWidth) * -1) + _.slideOffset;
} else {
targetLeft = ((slideIndex * verticalHeight) * -1) + verticalOffset;
if (_.options.variableWidth === true) {
if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow || _.options.infinite === false) {
targetSlide = _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideIndex);
} else {
targetSlide = _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow);
if (_.options.rtl === true) {
if (targetSlide[0]) {
targetLeft = (_.$slideTrack.width() - targetSlide[0].offsetLeft - targetSlide.width()) * -1;
} else {
targetLeft = 0;
} else {
targetLeft = targetSlide[0] ? targetSlide[0].offsetLeft * -1 : 0;
if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow || _.options.infinite === false) {
targetSlide = _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideIndex);
} else {
targetSlide = _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow + 1);
if (_.options.rtl === true) {
if (targetSlide[0]) {
targetLeft = (_.$slideTrack.width() - targetSlide[0].offsetLeft - targetSlide.width()) * -1;
} else {
targetLeft = 0;
} else {
targetLeft = targetSlide[0] ? targetSlide[0].offsetLeft * -1 : 0;
targetLeft += (_.$list.width() - targetSlide.outerWidth()) / 2;
return targetLeft;
Slick.prototype.getOption = Slick.prototype.slickGetOption = function(option) {
var _ = this;
return _.options[option];
Slick.prototype.getNavigableIndexes = function() {
var _ = this,
breakPoint = 0,
counter = 0,
indexes = [],
if (_.options.infinite === false) {
max = _.slideCount;
} else {
breakPoint = _.options.slidesToScroll * -1;
counter = _.options.slidesToScroll * -1;
max = _.slideCount * 2;
while (breakPoint < max) {
breakPoint = counter + _.options.slidesToScroll;
counter += _.options.slidesToScroll <= _.options.slidesToShow ? _.options.slidesToScroll : _.options.slidesToShow;
return indexes;
Slick.prototype.getSlick = function() {
return this;
Slick.prototype.getSlideCount = function() {
var _ = this,
slidesTraversed, swipedSlide, centerOffset;
centerOffset = _.options.centerMode === true ? _.slideWidth * Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2) : 0;
if (_.options.swipeToSlide === true) {
_.$slideTrack.find('.slick-slide').each(function(index, slide) {
if (slide.offsetLeft - centerOffset + ($(slide).outerWidth() / 2) > (_.swipeLeft * -1)) {
swipedSlide = slide;
return false;
slidesTraversed = Math.abs($(swipedSlide).attr('data-slick-index') - _.currentSlide) || 1;
return slidesTraversed;
} else {
return _.options.slidesToScroll;
Slick.prototype.goTo = Slick.prototype.slickGoTo = function(slide, dontAnimate) {
var _ = this;
data: {
message: 'index',
index: parseInt(slide)
}, dontAnimate);
Slick.prototype.init = function(creation) {
var _ = this;
if (!$(_.$slider).hasClass('slick-initialized')) {
if (creation) {
_.$slider.trigger('init', [_]);
if (_.options.accessibility === true) {
if ( _.options.autoplay ) {
_.paused = false;
Slick.prototype.initADA = function() {
var _ = this,
numDotGroups = Math.ceil(_.slideCount / _.options.slidesToShow),
tabControlIndexes = _.getNavigableIndexes().filter(function(val) {
return (val >= 0) && (val < _.slideCount);
'aria-hidden': 'true',
'tabindex': '-1'
}).find('a, input, button, select').attr({
'tabindex': '-1'
if (_.$dots !== null) {
_.$slides.not(_.$slideTrack.find('.slick-cloned')).each(function(i) {
var slideControlIndex = tabControlIndexes.indexOf(i);
'role': 'tabpanel',
'id': 'slick-slide' + _.instanceUid + i,
'tabindex': -1
if (slideControlIndex !== -1) {
var ariaButtonControl = 'slick-slide-control' + _.instanceUid + slideControlIndex
if ($('#' + ariaButtonControl).length) {
'aria-describedby': ariaButtonControl
_.$dots.attr('role', 'tablist').find('li').each(function(i) {
var mappedSlideIndex = tabControlIndexes[i];
'role': 'presentation'
'role': 'tab',
'id': 'slick-slide-control' + _.instanceUid + i,
'aria-controls': 'slick-slide' + _.instanceUid + mappedSlideIndex,
'aria-label': (i + 1) + ' of ' + numDotGroups,
'aria-selected': null,
'tabindex': '-1'
'aria-selected': 'true',
'tabindex': '0'
for (var i=_.currentSlide, max=i+_.options.slidesToShow; i < max; i++) {
if (_.options.focusOnChange) {
_.$slides.eq(i).attr({'tabindex': '0'});
} else {
Slick.prototype.initArrowEvents = function() {
var _ = this;
if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
.on('click.slick', {
message: 'previous'
}, _.changeSlide);
.on('click.slick', {
message: 'next'
}, _.changeSlide);
if (_.options.accessibility === true) {
_.$prevArrow.on('keydown.slick', _.keyHandler);
_.$nextArrow.on('keydown.slick', _.keyHandler);
Slick.prototype.initDotEvents = function() {
var _ = this;
if (_.options.dots === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
$('li', _.$dots).on('click.slick', {
message: 'index'
}, _.changeSlide);
if (_.options.accessibility === true) {
_.$dots.on('keydown.slick', _.keyHandler);
if (_.options.dots === true && _.options.pauseOnDotsHover === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
$('li', _.$dots)
.on('mouseenter.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, true))
.on('mouseleave.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, false));
Slick.prototype.initSlideEvents = function() {
var _ = this;
if ( _.options.pauseOnHover ) {
_.$list.on('mouseenter.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, true));
_.$list.on('mouseleave.slick', $.proxy(_.interrupt, _, false));
Slick.prototype.initializeEvents = function() {
var _ = this;
_.$list.on('touchstart.slick mousedown.slick', {
action: 'start'
}, _.swipeHandler);
_.$list.on('touchmove.slick mousemove.slick', {
action: 'move'
}, _.swipeHandler);
_.$list.on('touchend.slick mouseup.slick', {
action: 'end'
}, _.swipeHandler);
_.$list.on('touchcancel.slick mouseleave.slick', {
action: 'end'
}, _.swipeHandler);
_.$list.on('click.slick', _.clickHandler);
$(document).on(_.visibilityChange, $.proxy(_.visibility, _));
if (_.options.accessibility === true) {
_.$list.on('keydown.slick', _.keyHandler);
if (_.options.focusOnSelect === true) {
$(_.$slideTrack).children().on('click.slick', _.selectHandler);
$(window).on('orientationchange.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, $.proxy(_.orientationChange, _));
$(window).on('resize.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, $.proxy(_.resize, _));
$('[draggable!=true]', _.$slideTrack).on('dragstart', _.preventDefault);
$(window).on('load.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, _.setPosition);
Slick.prototype.initUI = function() {
var _ = this;
if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
if (_.options.dots === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
Slick.prototype.keyHandler = function(event) {
var _ = this;
//Dont slide if the cursor is inside the form fields and arrow keys are pressed
if(!event.target.tagName.match('TEXTAREA|INPUT|SELECT')) {
if (event.keyCode === 37 && _.options.accessibility === true) {
data: {
message: _.options.rtl === true ? 'next' : 'previous'
} else if (event.keyCode === 39 && _.options.accessibility === true) {
data: {
message: _.options.rtl === true ? 'previous' : 'next'
Slick.prototype.lazyLoad = function() {
var _ = this,
loadRange, cloneRange, rangeStart, rangeEnd;
function loadImages(imagesScope) {
$('img[data-lazy]', imagesScope).each(function() {
var image = $(this),
imageSource = $(this).attr('data-lazy'),
imageSrcSet = $(this).attr('data-srcset'),
imageSizes = $(this).attr('data-sizes') || _.$slider.attr('data-sizes'),
imageToLoad = document.createElement('img');
imageToLoad.onload = function() {
.animate({ opacity: 0 }, 100, function() {
if (imageSrcSet) {
.attr('srcset', imageSrcSet );
if (imageSizes) {
.attr('sizes', imageSizes );
.attr('src', imageSource)
.animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200, function() {
.removeAttr('data-lazy data-srcset data-sizes')
_.$slider.trigger('lazyLoaded', [_, image, imageSource]);
imageToLoad.onerror = function() {
.removeAttr( 'data-lazy' )
.removeClass( 'slick-loading' )
.addClass( 'slick-lazyload-error' );
_.$slider.trigger('lazyLoadError', [ _, image, imageSource ]);
imageToLoad.src = imageSource;
if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
if (_.options.infinite === true) {
rangeStart = _.currentSlide + (_.options.slidesToShow / 2 + 1);
rangeEnd = rangeStart + _.options.slidesToShow + 2;
} else {
rangeStart = Math.max(0, _.currentSlide - (_.options.slidesToShow / 2 + 1));
rangeEnd = 2 + (_.options.slidesToShow / 2 + 1) + _.currentSlide;
} else {
rangeStart = _.options.infinite ? _.options.slidesToShow + _.currentSlide : _.currentSlide;
rangeEnd = Math.ceil(rangeStart + _.options.slidesToShow);
if (_.options.fade === true) {
if (rangeStart > 0) rangeStart--;
if (rangeEnd <= _.slideCount) rangeEnd++;
loadRange = _.$slider.find('.slick-slide').slice(rangeStart, rangeEnd);
if (_.options.lazyLoad === 'anticipated') {
var prevSlide = rangeStart - 1,
nextSlide = rangeEnd,
$slides = _.$slider.find('.slick-slide');
for (var i = 0; i < _.options.slidesToScroll; i++) {
if (prevSlide < 0) prevSlide = _.slideCount - 1;
loadRange = loadRange.add($slides.eq(prevSlide));
loadRange = loadRange.add($slides.eq(nextSlide));
if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
cloneRange = _.$slider.find('.slick-slide');
} else
if (_.currentSlide >= _.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow) {
cloneRange = _.$slider.find('.slick-cloned').slice(0, _.options.slidesToShow);
} else if (_.currentSlide === 0) {
cloneRange = _.$slider.find('.slick-cloned').slice(_.options.slidesToShow * -1);
Slick.prototype.loadSlider = function() {
var _ = this;
opacity: 1
if (_.options.lazyLoad === 'progressive') {
Slick.prototype.next = Slick.prototype.slickNext = function() {
var _ = this;
data: {
message: 'next'
Slick.prototype.orientationChange = function() {
var _ = this;
Slick.prototype.pause = Slick.prototype.slickPause = function() {
var _ = this;
_.paused = true;
Slick.prototype.play = Slick.prototype.slickPlay = function() {
var _ = this;
_.options.autoplay = true;
_.paused = false;
_.focussed = false;
_.interrupted = false;
Slick.prototype.postSlide = function(index) {
var _ = this;
if( !_.unslicked ) {
_.$slider.trigger('afterChange', [_, index]);
_.animating = false;
if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
_.swipeLeft = null;
if ( _.options.autoplay ) {
if (_.options.accessibility === true) {
if (_.options.focusOnChange) {
var $currentSlide = $(_.$slides.get(_.currentSlide));
$currentSlide.attr('tabindex', 0).focus();
Slick.prototype.prev = Slick.prototype.slickPrev = function() {
var _ = this;
data: {
message: 'previous'
Slick.prototype.preventDefault = function(event) {
Slick.prototype.progressiveLazyLoad = function( tryCount ) {
tryCount = tryCount || 1;
var _ = this,
$imgsToLoad = $( 'img[data-lazy]', _.$slider ),
if ( $imgsToLoad.length ) {
image = $imgsToLoad.first();
imageSource = image.attr('data-lazy');
imageSrcSet = image.attr('data-srcset');
imageSizes = image.attr('data-sizes') || _.$slider.attr('data-sizes');
imageToLoad = document.createElement('img');
imageToLoad.onload = function() {
if (imageSrcSet) {
.attr('srcset', imageSrcSet );
if (imageSizes) {
.attr('sizes', imageSizes );
.attr( 'src', imageSource )
.removeAttr('data-lazy data-srcset data-sizes')
if ( _.options.adaptiveHeight === true ) {
_.$slider.trigger('lazyLoaded', [ _, image, imageSource ]);
imageToLoad.onerror = function() {
if ( tryCount < 3 ) {
* try to load the image 3 times,
* leave a slight delay so we don't get
* servers blocking the request.
setTimeout( function() {
_.progressiveLazyLoad( tryCount + 1 );
}, 500 );
} else {
.removeAttr( 'data-lazy' )
.removeClass( 'slick-loading' )
.addClass( 'slick-lazyload-error' );
_.$slider.trigger('lazyLoadError', [ _, image, imageSource ]);
imageToLoad.src = imageSource;
} else {
_.$slider.trigger('allImagesLoaded', [ _ ]);
Slick.prototype.refresh = function( initializing ) {
var _ = this, currentSlide, lastVisibleIndex;
lastVisibleIndex = _.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow;
// in non-infinite sliders, we don't want to go past the
// last visible index.
if( !_.options.infinite && ( _.currentSlide > lastVisibleIndex )) {
_.currentSlide = lastVisibleIndex;
// if less slides than to show, go to start.
if ( _.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow ) {
_.currentSlide = 0;
currentSlide = _.currentSlide;
$.extend(_, _.initials, { currentSlide: currentSlide });
if( !initializing ) {
data: {
message: 'index',
index: currentSlide
}, false);
Slick.prototype.registerBreakpoints = function() {
var _ = this, breakpoint, currentBreakpoint, l,
responsiveSettings = _.options.responsive || null;
if ( $.type(responsiveSettings) === 'array' && responsiveSettings.length ) {
_.respondTo = _.options.respondTo || 'window';
for ( breakpoint in responsiveSettings ) {
l = _.breakpoints.length-1;
if (responsiveSettings.hasOwnProperty(breakpoint)) {
currentBreakpoint = responsiveSettings[breakpoint].breakpoint;
// loop through the breakpoints and cut out any existing
// ones with the same breakpoint number, we don't want dupes.
while( l >= 0 ) {
if( _.breakpoints[l] && _.breakpoints[l] === currentBreakpoint ) {
_.breakpointSettings[currentBreakpoint] = responsiveSettings[breakpoint].settings;
_.breakpoints.sort(function(a, b) {
return ( _.options.mobileFirst ) ? a-b : b-a;
Slick.prototype.reinit = function() {
var _ = this;
_.$slides =
_.slideCount = _.$slides.length;
if (_.currentSlide >= _.slideCount && _.currentSlide !== 0) {
_.currentSlide = _.currentSlide - _.options.slidesToScroll;
if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
_.currentSlide = 0;
_.checkResponsive(false, true);
if (_.options.focusOnSelect === true) {
$(_.$slideTrack).children().on('click.slick', _.selectHandler);
_.setSlideClasses(typeof _.currentSlide === 'number' ? _.currentSlide : 0);
_.paused = !_.options.autoplay;
_.$slider.trigger('reInit', [_]);
Slick.prototype.resize = function() {
var _ = this;
if ($(window).width() !== _.windowWidth) {
_.windowDelay = window.setTimeout(function() {
_.windowWidth = $(window).width();
if( !_.unslicked ) { _.setPosition(); }
}, 50);
Slick.prototype.removeSlide = Slick.prototype.slickRemove = function(index, removeBefore, removeAll) {
var _ = this;
if (typeof(index) === 'boolean') {
removeBefore = index;
index = removeBefore === true ? 0 : _.slideCount - 1;
} else {
index = removeBefore === true ? --index : index;
if (_.slideCount < 1 || index < 0 || index > _.slideCount - 1) {
return false;
if (removeAll === true) {
} else {
_.$slides = _.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide);
_.$slidesCache = _.$slides;
Slick.prototype.setCSS = function(position) {
var _ = this,
positionProps = {},
x, y;
if (_.options.rtl === true) {
position = -position;
x = _.positionProp == 'left' ? Math.ceil(position) + 'px' : '0px';
y = _.positionProp == 'top' ? Math.ceil(position) + 'px' : '0px';
positionProps[_.positionProp] = position;
if (_.transformsEnabled === false) {
} else {
positionProps = {};
if (_.cssTransitions === false) {
positionProps[_.animType] = 'translate(' + x + ', ' + y + ')';
} else {
positionProps[_.animType] = 'translate3d(' + x + ', ' + y + ', 0px)';
Slick.prototype.setDimensions = function() {
var _ = this;
if (_.options.vertical === false) {
if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
padding: ('0px ' + _.options.centerPadding)
} else {
_.$list.height(_.$slides.first().outerHeight(true) * _.options.slidesToShow);
if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
padding: (_.options.centerPadding + ' 0px')
_.listWidth = _.$list.width();
_.listHeight = _.$list.height();
if (_.options.vertical === false && _.options.variableWidth === false) {
_.slideWidth = Math.ceil(_.listWidth / _.options.slidesToShow);
_.$slideTrack.width(Math.ceil((_.slideWidth * _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').length)));
} else if (_.options.variableWidth === true) {
_.$slideTrack.width(5000 * _.slideCount);
} else {
_.slideWidth = Math.ceil(_.listWidth);
_.$slideTrack.height(Math.ceil((_.$slides.first().outerHeight(true) * _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').length)));
var offset = _.$slides.first().outerWidth(true) - _.$slides.first().width();
if (_.options.variableWidth === false) _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').width(_.slideWidth - offset);
Slick.prototype.setFade = function() {
var _ = this,
_.$slides.each(function(index, element) {
targetLeft = (_.slideWidth * index) * -1;
if (_.options.rtl === true) {
position: 'relative',
right: targetLeft,
top: 0,
zIndex: _.options.zIndex - 2,
opacity: 0
} else {
position: 'relative',
left: targetLeft,
top: 0,
zIndex: _.options.zIndex - 2,
opacity: 0
zIndex: _.options.zIndex - 1,
opacity: 1
Slick.prototype.setHeight = function() {
var _ = this;
if (_.options.slidesToShow === 1 && _.options.adaptiveHeight === true && _.options.vertical === false) {
var targetHeight = _.$slides.eq(_.currentSlide).outerHeight(true);
_.$list.css('height', targetHeight);
Slick.prototype.setOption =
Slick.prototype.slickSetOption = function() {
* accepts arguments in format of:
* - for changing a single option's value:
* .slick("setOption", option, value, refresh )
* - for changing a set of responsive options:
* .slick("setOption", 'responsive', [{}, ...], refresh )
* - for updating multiple values at once (not responsive)
* .slick("setOption", { 'option': value, ... }, refresh )
var _ = this, l, item, option, value, refresh = false, type;
if( $.type( arguments[0] ) === 'object' ) {
option = arguments[0];
refresh = arguments[1];
type = 'multiple';
} else if ( $.type( arguments[0] ) === 'string' ) {
option = arguments[0];
value = arguments[1];
refresh = arguments[2];
if ( arguments[0] === 'responsive' && $.type( arguments[1] ) === 'array' ) {
type = 'responsive';
} else if ( typeof arguments[1] !== 'undefined' ) {
type = 'single';
if ( type === 'single' ) {
_.options[option] = value;
} else if ( type === 'multiple' ) {
$.each( option , function( opt, val ) {
_.options[opt] = val;
} else if ( type === 'responsive' ) {
for ( item in value ) {
if( $.type( _.options.responsive ) !== 'array' ) {
_.options.responsive = [ value[item] ];
} else {
l = _.options.responsive.length-1;
// loop through the responsive object and splice out duplicates.
while( l >= 0 ) {
if( _.options.responsive[l].breakpoint === value[item].breakpoint ) {
_.options.responsive.push( value[item] );
if ( refresh ) {
Slick.prototype.setPosition = function() {
var _ = this;
if (_.options.fade === false) {
} else {
_.$slider.trigger('setPosition', [_]);
Slick.prototype.setProps = function() {
var _ = this,
bodyStyle = document.body.style;
_.positionProp = _.options.vertical === true ? 'top' : 'left';
if (_.positionProp === 'top') {
} else {
if (bodyStyle.WebkitTransition !== undefined ||
bodyStyle.MozTransition !== undefined ||
bodyStyle.msTransition !== undefined) {
if (_.options.useCSS === true) {
_.cssTransitions = true;
if ( _.options.fade ) {
if ( typeof _.options.zIndex === 'number' ) {
if( _.options.zIndex < 3 ) {
_.options.zIndex = 3;
} else {
_.options.zIndex = _.defaults.zIndex;
if (bodyStyle.OTransform !== undefined) {
_.animType = 'OTransform';
_.transformType = '-o-transform';
_.transitionType = 'OTransition';
if (bodyStyle.perspectiveProperty === undefined && bodyStyle.webkitPerspective === undefined) _.animType = false;
if (bodyStyle.MozTransform !== undefined) {
_.animType = 'MozTransform';
_.transformType = '-moz-transform';
_.transitionType = 'MozTransition';
if (bodyStyle.perspectiveProperty === undefined && bodyStyle.MozPerspective === undefined) _.animType = false;
if (bodyStyle.webkitTransform !== undefined) {
_.animType = 'webkitTransform';
_.transformType = '-webkit-transform';
_.transitionType = 'webkitTransition';
if (bodyStyle.perspectiveProperty === undefined && bodyStyle.webkitPerspective === undefined) _.animType = false;
if (bodyStyle.msTransform !== undefined) {
_.animType = 'msTransform';
_.transformType = '-ms-transform';
_.transitionType = 'msTransition';
if (bodyStyle.msTransform === undefined) _.animType = false;
if (bodyStyle.transform !== undefined && _.animType !== false) {
_.animType = 'transform';
_.transformType = 'transform';
_.transitionType = 'transition';
_.transformsEnabled = _.options.useTransform && (_.animType !== null && _.animType !== false);
Slick.prototype.setSlideClasses = function(index) {
var _ = this,
centerOffset, allSlides, indexOffset, remainder;
allSlides = _.$slider
.removeClass('slick-active slick-center slick-current')
.attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
var evenCoef = _.options.slidesToShow % 2 === 0 ? 1 : 0;
centerOffset = Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2);
if (_.options.infinite === true) {
if (index >= centerOffset && index <= (_.slideCount - 1) - centerOffset) {
.slice(index - centerOffset + evenCoef, index + centerOffset + 1)
.attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
} else {
indexOffset = _.options.slidesToShow + index;
.slice(indexOffset - centerOffset + 1 + evenCoef, indexOffset + centerOffset + 2)
.attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
if (index === 0) {
.eq(allSlides.length - 1 - _.options.slidesToShow)
} else if (index === _.slideCount - 1) {
} else {
if (index >= 0 && index <= (_.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow)) {
.slice(index, index + _.options.slidesToShow)
.attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
} else if (allSlides.length <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
.attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
} else {
remainder = _.slideCount % _.options.slidesToShow;
indexOffset = _.options.infinite === true ? _.options.slidesToShow + index : index;
if (_.options.slidesToShow == _.options.slidesToScroll && (_.slideCount - index) < _.options.slidesToShow) {
.slice(indexOffset - (_.options.slidesToShow - remainder), indexOffset + remainder)
.attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
} else {
.slice(indexOffset, indexOffset + _.options.slidesToShow)
.attr('aria-hidden', 'false');
if (_.options.lazyLoad === 'ondemand' || _.options.lazyLoad === 'anticipated') {
Slick.prototype.setupInfinite = function() {
var _ = this,
i, slideIndex, infiniteCount;
if (_.options.fade === true) {
_.options.centerMode = false;
if (_.options.infinite === true && _.options.fade === false) {
slideIndex = null;
if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
infiniteCount = _.options.slidesToShow + 1;
} else {
infiniteCount = _.options.slidesToShow;
for (i = _.slideCount; i > (_.slideCount -
infiniteCount); i -= 1) {
slideIndex = i - 1;
$(_.$slides[slideIndex]).clone(true).attr('id', '')
.attr('data-slick-index', slideIndex - _.slideCount)
for (i = 0; i < infiniteCount + _.slideCount; i += 1) {
slideIndex = i;
$(_.$slides[slideIndex]).clone(true).attr('id', '')
.attr('data-slick-index', slideIndex + _.slideCount)
_.$slideTrack.find('.slick-cloned').find('[id]').each(function() {
$(this).attr('id', '');
Slick.prototype.interrupt = function( toggle ) {
var _ = this;
if( !toggle ) {
_.interrupted = toggle;
Slick.prototype.selectHandler = function(event) {
var _ = this;
var targetElement =
$(event.target).is('.slick-slide') ?
$(event.target) :
var index = parseInt(targetElement.attr('data-slick-index'));
if (!index) index = 0;
if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
_.slideHandler(index, false, true);
Slick.prototype.slideHandler = function(index, sync, dontAnimate) {
var targetSlide, animSlide, oldSlide, slideLeft, targetLeft = null,
_ = this, navTarget;
sync = sync || false;
if (_.animating === true && _.options.waitForAnimate === true) {
if (_.options.fade === true && _.currentSlide === index) {
if (sync === false) {
targetSlide = index;
targetLeft = _.getLeft(targetSlide);
slideLeft = _.getLeft(_.currentSlide);
_.currentLeft = _.swipeLeft === null ? slideLeft : _.swipeLeft;
if (_.options.infinite === false && _.options.centerMode === false && (index < 0 || index > _.getDotCount() * _.options.slidesToScroll)) {
if (_.options.fade === false) {
targetSlide = _.currentSlide;
if (dontAnimate !== true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
_.animateSlide(slideLeft, function() {
} else {
} else if (_.options.infinite === false && _.options.centerMode === true && (index < 0 || index > (_.slideCount - _.options.slidesToScroll))) {
if (_.options.fade === false) {
targetSlide = _.currentSlide;
if (dontAnimate !== true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
_.animateSlide(slideLeft, function() {
} else {
if ( _.options.autoplay ) {
if (targetSlide < 0) {
if (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll !== 0) {
animSlide = _.slideCount - (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll);
} else {
animSlide = _.slideCount + targetSlide;
} else if (targetSlide >= _.slideCount) {
if (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll !== 0) {
animSlide = 0;
} else {
animSlide = targetSlide - _.slideCount;
} else {
animSlide = targetSlide;
_.animating = true;
_.$slider.trigger('beforeChange', [_, _.currentSlide, animSlide]);
oldSlide = _.currentSlide;
_.currentSlide = animSlide;
if ( _.options.asNavFor ) {
navTarget = _.getNavTarget();
navTarget = navTarget.slick('getSlick');
if ( navTarget.slideCount <= navTarget.options.slidesToShow ) {
if (_.options.fade === true) {
if (dontAnimate !== true) {
_.fadeSlide(animSlide, function() {
} else {
if (dontAnimate !== true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
_.animateSlide(targetLeft, function() {
} else {
Slick.prototype.startLoad = function() {
var _ = this;
if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
if (_.options.dots === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
Slick.prototype.swipeDirection = function() {
var xDist, yDist, r, swipeAngle, _ = this;
xDist = _.touchObject.startX - _.touchObject.curX;
yDist = _.touchObject.startY - _.touchObject.curY;
r = Math.atan2(yDist, xDist);
swipeAngle = Math.round(r * 180 / Math.PI);
if (swipeAngle < 0) {
swipeAngle = 360 - Math.abs(swipeAngle);
if ((swipeAngle <= 45) && (swipeAngle >= 0)) {
return (_.options.rtl === false ? 'left' : 'right');
if ((swipeAngle <= 360) && (swipeAngle >= 315)) {
return (_.options.rtl === false ? 'left' : 'right');
if ((swipeAngle >= 135) && (swipeAngle <= 225)) {
return (_.options.rtl === false ? 'right' : 'left');
if (_.options.verticalSwiping === true) {
if ((swipeAngle >= 35) && (swipeAngle <= 135)) {
return 'down';
} else {
return 'up';
return 'vertical';
Slick.prototype.swipeEnd = function(event) {
var _ = this,
_.dragging = false;
_.swiping = false;
if (_.scrolling) {
_.scrolling = false;
return false;
_.interrupted = false;
_.shouldClick = ( _.touchObject.swipeLength > 10 ) ? false : true;
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return false;
if ( _.touchObject.edgeHit === true ) {
_.$slider.trigger('edge', [_, _.swipeDirection() ]);
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direction = _.swipeDirection();
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case 'left':
case 'down':
slideCount =
_.options.swipeToSlide ?
_.checkNavigable( _.currentSlide + _.getSlideCount() ) :
_.currentSlide + _.getSlideCount();
_.currentDirection = 0;
case 'right':
case 'up':
slideCount =
_.options.swipeToSlide ?
_.checkNavigable( _.currentSlide - _.getSlideCount() ) :
_.currentSlide - _.getSlideCount();
_.currentDirection = 1;
if( direction != 'vertical' ) {
_.slideHandler( slideCount );
_.touchObject = {};
_.$slider.trigger('swipe', [_, direction ]);
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if ( _.touchObject.startX !== _.touchObject.curX ) {
_.slideHandler( _.currentSlide );
_.touchObject = {};
Slick.prototype.swipeHandler = function(event) {
var _ = this;
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} else if (_.options.draggable === false && event.type.indexOf('mouse') !== -1) {
_.touchObject.fingerCount = event.originalEvent && event.originalEvent.touches !== undefined ?
event.originalEvent.touches.length : 1;
_.touchObject.minSwipe = _.listWidth / _.options
if (_.options.verticalSwiping === true) {
_.touchObject.minSwipe = _.listHeight / _.options
switch (event.data.action) {
case 'start':
case 'move':
case 'end':
Slick.prototype.swipeMove = function(event) {
var _ = this,
edgeWasHit = false,
curLeft, swipeDirection, swipeLength, positionOffset, touches, verticalSwipeLength;
touches = event.originalEvent !== undefined ? event.originalEvent.touches : null;
if (!_.dragging || _.scrolling || touches && touches.length !== 1) {
return false;
curLeft = _.getLeft(_.currentSlide);
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_.touchObject.curY = touches !== undefined ? touches[0].pageY : event.clientY;
_.touchObject.swipeLength = Math.round(Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(_.touchObject.curX - _.touchObject.startX, 2)));
verticalSwipeLength = Math.round(Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(_.touchObject.curY - _.touchObject.startY, 2)));
if (!_.options.verticalSwiping && !_.swiping && verticalSwipeLength > 4) {
_.scrolling = true;
return false;
if (_.options.verticalSwiping === true) {
_.touchObject.swipeLength = verticalSwipeLength;
swipeDirection = _.swipeDirection();
if (event.originalEvent !== undefined && _.touchObject.swipeLength > 4) {
_.swiping = true;
positionOffset = (_.options.rtl === false ? 1 : -1) * (_.touchObject.curX > _.touchObject.startX ? 1 : -1);
if (_.options.verticalSwiping === true) {
positionOffset = _.touchObject.curY > _.touchObject.startY ? 1 : -1;
swipeLength = _.touchObject.swipeLength;
_.touchObject.edgeHit = false;
if (_.options.infinite === false) {
if ((_.currentSlide === 0 && swipeDirection === 'right') || (_.currentSlide >= _.getDotCount() && swipeDirection === 'left')) {
swipeLength = _.touchObject.swipeLength * _.options.edgeFriction;
_.touchObject.edgeHit = true;
if (_.options.vertical === false) {
_.swipeLeft = curLeft + swipeLength * positionOffset;
} else {
_.swipeLeft = curLeft + (swipeLength * (_.$list.height() / _.listWidth)) * positionOffset;
if (_.options.verticalSwiping === true) {
_.swipeLeft = curLeft + swipeLength * positionOffset;
if (_.options.fade === true || _.options.touchMove === false) {
return false;
if (_.animating === true) {
_.swipeLeft = null;
return false;
Slick.prototype.swipeStart = function(event) {
var _ = this,
_.interrupted = true;
if (_.touchObject.fingerCount !== 1 || _.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
_.touchObject = {};
return false;
if (event.originalEvent !== undefined && event.originalEvent.touches !== undefined) {
touches = event.originalEvent.touches[0];
_.touchObject.startX = _.touchObject.curX = touches !== undefined ? touches.pageX : event.clientX;
_.touchObject.startY = _.touchObject.curY = touches !== undefined ? touches.pageY : event.clientY;
_.dragging = true;
Slick.prototype.unfilterSlides = Slick.prototype.slickUnfilter = function() {
var _ = this;
if (_.$slidesCache !== null) {
Slick.prototype.unload = function() {
var _ = this;
$('.slick-cloned', _.$slider).remove();
if (_.$dots) {
if (_.$prevArrow && _.htmlExpr.test(_.options.prevArrow)) {
if (_.$nextArrow && _.htmlExpr.test(_.options.nextArrow)) {
.removeClass('slick-slide slick-active slick-visible slick-current')
.attr('aria-hidden', 'true')
.css('width', '');
Slick.prototype.unslick = function(fromBreakpoint) {
var _ = this;
_.$slider.trigger('unslick', [_, fromBreakpoint]);
Slick.prototype.updateArrows = function() {
var _ = this,
centerOffset = Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2);
if ( _.options.arrows === true &&
_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow &&
!_.options.infinite ) {
_.$prevArrow.removeClass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'false');
_.$nextArrow.removeClass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'false');
if (_.currentSlide === 0) {
_.$prevArrow.addClass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'true');
_.$nextArrow.removeClass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'false');
} else if (_.currentSlide >= _.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow && _.options.centerMode === false) {
_.$nextArrow.addClass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'true');
_.$prevArrow.removeClass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'false');
} else if (_.currentSlide >= _.slideCount - 1 && _.options.centerMode === true) {
_.$nextArrow.addClass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'true');
_.$prevArrow.removeClass('slick-disabled').attr('aria-disabled', 'false');
Slick.prototype.updateDots = function() {
var _ = this;
if (_.$dots !== null) {
.eq(Math.floor(_.currentSlide / _.options.slidesToScroll))
Slick.prototype.visibility = function() {
var _ = this;
if ( _.options.autoplay ) {
if ( document[_.hidden] ) {
_.interrupted = true;
} else {
_.interrupted = false;
$.fn.slick = function() {
var _ = this,
opt = arguments[0],
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
l = _.length,
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (typeof opt == 'object' || typeof opt == 'undefined')
_[i].slick = new Slick(_[i], opt);
ret = _[i].slick[opt].apply(_[i].slick, args);
if (typeof ret != 'undefined') return ret;
return _;
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{"id":64,"date":"2023-11-18T06:29:07","date_gmt":"2023-11-18T06:29:07","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/freebtc.my.id\/the-potential-impact-of-ai-advancements-on-cryptocurrency-investments"},"modified":"2023-11-18T06:29:07","modified_gmt":"2023-11-18T06:29:07","slug":"the-potential-impact-of-ai-advancements-on-cryptocurrency-investments","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/freebtc.my.id\/the-potential-impact-of-ai-advancements-on-cryptocurrency-investments","title":{"rendered":"The Potential Impact of AI Advancements on Cryptocurrency Investments"},"content":{"rendered":"Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making significant strides in various industries, revolutionizing the way tasks are performed and decisions are made. With the rise in popularity of cryptocurrencies, it is only natural to explore how developments in AI could impact the way people invest in these digital assets.<\/p>\n
1. Enhanced Data Analysis<\/h2>\n One of the key areas where AI can have a profound impact on cryptocurrency investments is in data analysis. AI algorithms can process vast amounts of data in real-time, identifying patterns and trends that may not be apparent to human investors. By analyzing historical price data, market sentiment, and other relevant factors, AI can provide valuable insights to investors, enabling them to make more informed decisions.<\/p>\n
2. Improved Trading Strategies<\/h2>\n AI-powered trading systems have the potential to enhance investment strategies in the cryptocurrency market. These systems can continuously monitor market conditions, execute trades based on predefined parameters, and adapt to changing market dynamics. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, AI can learn from past trading patterns and adjust strategies accordingly, potentially improving the overall profitability of investments.<\/p>\n
3. Risk Assessment and Mitigation<\/h2>\n Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with inherent risks, including price volatility and the potential for fraud. AI can play a crucial role in assessing and mitigating these risks. By analyzing historical data and market indicators, AI algorithms can identify potential risks and provide risk management recommendations. Additionally, AI can detect suspicious activities and flag potential fraudulent transactions, helping investors protect their assets.<\/p>\n
4. Predictive Analytics<\/h2>\n Predicting the future performance of cryptocurrencies is a challenging task. However, AI can leverage predictive analytics to forecast price movements and market trends. By analyzing historical data, market news, and social media sentiment, AI algorithms can provide predictions that can guide investment decisions. While no prediction is foolproof, AI can provide valuable insights that may help investors navigate the volatile cryptocurrency market more effectively.<\/p>\n
5. Automating Portfolio Management<\/h2>\n Managing a cryptocurrency portfolio can be time-consuming and requires constant monitoring. AI-powered portfolio management systems can automate various tasks, such as rebalancing portfolios, executing trades, and tracking performance. By leveraging AI, investors can save time and effort, allowing them to focus on higher-level investment strategies and decision-making.<\/p>\n
6. Market Sentiment Analysis<\/h2>\n Understanding market sentiment is crucial in the cryptocurrency market, as it can significantly impact prices. AI can analyze social media posts, news articles, and other online sources to gauge market sentiment. By monitoring and interpreting this sentiment, AI algorithms can provide insights into how the market perceives different cryptocurrencies, helping investors make more informed decisions.<\/p>\n
7. Regulatory Compliance<\/h2>\n The cryptocurrency market is subject to evolving regulations, and compliance is essential for investors. AI can assist in ensuring regulatory compliance by monitoring transactions, identifying potential money laundering or fraud, and flagging suspicious activities. By automating compliance processes, AI can help investors navigate the regulatory landscape more efficiently and reduce the risk of legal and financial repercussions.<\/p>\n
Conclusion<\/h2>\n The advancements in AI have the potential to revolutionize the way people invest in cryptocurrencies. From enhanced data analysis and improved trading strategies to risk assessment and predictive analytics, AI can provide valuable insights and automate various aspects of cryptocurrency investments. However, it is important to note that AI is not a foolproof solution and should be used as a tool to complement human judgment. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, the integration of AI technologies can offer investors a competitive edge and help them navigate the complexities of this emerging asset class.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making significant strides in various industries, revolutionizing the way tasks are performed and decisions are made. With the rise in popularity of cryptocurrencies, it is only natural to explore how developments in AI could impact the way people invest in these digital assets. 1. Enhanced Data Analysis One of the […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":63,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[2],"tags":[32,33,34],"class_list":["post-64","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-cryptocurrency","tag-artificial-intelligence","tag-cryptocurrency-investments","tag-data-analysis"],"blocksy_meta":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/freebtc.my.id\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/64"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/freebtc.my.id\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/freebtc.my.id\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/freebtc.my.id\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/freebtc.my.id\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=64"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/freebtc.my.id\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/64\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/freebtc.my.id\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/63"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/freebtc.my.id\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=64"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/freebtc.my.id\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=64"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/freebtc.my.id\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=64"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}